The originality of Catalan Modernisme is the result of an apparent contradiction between tradition and modernity. It represented the re-examination of Catalonia’s own history and traditions by a society that wanted to be cosmopolitan and modern. During the decade of the 1890s, architects and designers revived the past with styles which were simultaneously medieval, archaic and cosmopolitan.
After 1900, there was an added preference for the abstract sinuous forms of the European Art Nouveau. The neutral standing of Spain during the First World War and a certain economic well-being derived from this, allowed Modernisme to continue right in to the 1920s, which is another of the peculiarities if this Catalan movement compared to its European counterparts.
Modernisme spread across the territories of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia, appearing as the definitive style of the bourgeoisie in the new industrial cities and in the provincial capitals. Houses, summer villas and public buildings as well as factories, industrial complexes and agricultural co-operatives became identified with abstract Modernista forms.
The construction of the Eixample district in Barcelona took the city beyond its ancient walls, thus extending the urban limits. Economic prosperity encouraged investment in construction and the modification of the municipal by-laws in 1891, changes in urban typography and many new decorative licences.
In the city of Barcelona the three great names in architectural Modernisme left some of their best works: Antoni Gaudi with his abstract conception of architecture, Josep Puig i Cadafalch with a more historical perception and Lluis Domenech i Montaner who surrounded himself with a whole band of artisans and industrialists. But there were many other architects including Enric Sagnier, Domenech i Estapa and merchants and industrialists such as the Count of Guell family and the Marquis of Comillas dynasties who were enthralled by Modernisme and acted as important sponsors of these architects and in particular of Gaudi and Domenech i Montaner.
Image | artist | function | date |
Antoni Gaudí i Cornet | Architect and designer | 1852-1926 | |
Lluís Domènech i Montane | architect, designer, historian and politician | 1850-1923 | |
Caterina Albert i Paradís (aka Víctor Català) | architect, historian and politician | 1869-1966 | |
Eusebi Arnau i Mascart | sculptor ans medal maker | 1864-1933 | |
Bonaventura Bassegoda i Amigó | architect and art critic | 1862-1940 | |
Joaquim Bassegoda i Amigó | architect | 1854-1938 | |
Juli Batllevell | Architect | 1864-1928 | |
Miquel Blay i Fabregas | sculptor | 1866-1936 | |
Lluís Bru i Salelles | mosaicist and designer | 1868-1952 | |
Ramon Casas i Carbó | painter | 1866-1932 | |
Josep Domènech i Estap | architect | 1858-1917 | |
Lambert Escaler | sculptor, decorator and playwright | 1874-1957 | |
Pere Falqués i Urpí | architect and urban planner | 1850-1916 | |
Juli Maria Fossas i Martínez | architect | 1868-1946 | |
Antoni Maria Gallissà i Soqué | architect | 1861-1903 | |
Pau Gargallo i Catalán | sculptor | 1881-1934 | |
Enric Granados | musician | 1867-1916 | |
Gaspar Homar i Mezquida | cabinet maker and decorator | 1870-1956 | |
Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert | architect and designer | 1879-1949 | |
Alfons Juyol i Bach | sculptor | 1860-1917 | |
Josep Llimona | sculptor | 1864-1934 | |
Joan Maragall i Gorina | writer | 1860-1911 | |
Adolf Mas i Ginestà | photographer | 1861-1936 | |
Lluís Masriera i Rosés | jeweller, painter and stage designer | 1872-1958 | |
Apel•les Mestres i Oños | writer, illustrator and songwriter | 1854-1936 | |
Lluís Millet i Pagés | musician | 1867-1941 | |
Joaquim Mir i Trinxet | painter | 1873-1940 | |
Isidre Nonell i Monturiol | painter | 1872-1911 | |
Joan Rubió i Bellver | architect and archaeologist | (1871-1952 | |
Alexandre de Riquer i Inglada | painter, poet, and poster designer | 1856-1920 | |
Antoni Rigalt i Blanc | glass maker | 1850-1914 | |
Manuel Joaquim Raspall i Mayol | architect | 1877-1937 | |
Ricard Opisso i Sala | painter and cartoonist | 1880-1966 | |
Adolf Ruiz i Casamitjana | architect | 1869-1937 | |
Pablo Ruiz Picasso | painter, sculptor and ceramist | 1881-1973 | |
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats | painter and writer | 1861-1931 | |
Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia | architect | 1858-1931 | |
Manuel Sayrach i Carreras | architect and writer | 1886-1937 | |
Ismael Smith i Marí | sculptor and engraver | 1886-1972 | |
Miquel Utrillo i Morlius | painter, art critic and engineer | 1862-1934 | |
Salvador Valeri i Pupurull | architect | 1873-1954 | |
Lluïsa Vidal i Puig | painter | 1876-1918 | |
Josep Vilaseca i Casanovas | architect | 1848-1910 | |
Salvador Viñals i Sabaté | architect | 1847-1926 | |
Amadeu Vives i Roig | musician | 1871-1932 |
Cover | Author | Description | date | Link |
S. Alcolea, L'orfebreria barcelonina la segle XIX, D'Art, n°6-7, vol. V, Barcelona. |
C. Bancells, Guia del Modernisme a l'Eixample, Nou Art Thor, Barcelona. |
S. Barjau Rico, Enric Sagnier, Ed. Labor, 1992, Barcelona. |
J. Bassegoda i Nonell, Domènech i Montaner, Thor, 1980, Barcelona. |
J. Bassegoda i Nonell, Modernisme a Catalunya, Nou Art Thor, 1986, Barcelona. |
J. Bassegoda i Nonell, "Jujol", Gent Nostra, 77, 1990, Barcelona. |
J. Bassegoda i Nonell, Adriŕ Gual: mitja vida de Modernisme, Diputació de Barcelona, Ŕmbit Serveis Editorials, 1992, Barcelona. |
J. Bassegoda i Nonell, Antoni Gaudí. Edicions 62, 2002, Barcelona. |
R. Bletter, El arquitecto Josep Vilaseca i Casanovas, COACB, 1977, Barcelona. |
O. Bohigas, Arquitectura Modernista, Ed. Lumen, 1968, Barcelona. |
O. Bohigas, Reseńa y catálogo de la arquitectura modernista. Ed. Lumen, 1973, Barcelona. |
Tate. Cabré, Guia de la Ruta Lluís Domčnech i Montaner. Ruta del Modernisme. Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbŕ i la Qualitat de Vida, Ajuntament de Barcelona-Ed. Mediterrŕnia, 2000, Barcelona. Text in Catalan, Spanish and English. |
Tate. Cabré, Guia de la Ruta Puig i Cadafalch. Ruta del Modernisme. Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbŕ i la Qualitat de Vida, Ajuntament de Barcelona-Ed. Mediterrŕnia, 2001, Barcelona. Text in Catalan, Spanish and English. |
Tate. Cabré, Guia de la Ruta Gaudí. Ruta del Modernisme. Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbŕ i la Qualitat de Vida, Ajuntament de Barcelona-Ed. Mediterrŕnia, 2002, Barcelona. Text in Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Japanese. |
A. Cirici, El arte modernista catalán. Ed. Aymŕ, 1951, Barcelona. |
I. Coll, Contrallums. Vitralls de l’Eixample (exhibition catalogue), Ajuntament de Barcelona, 1983, Barcelona. |
I. Coll, Santiago Rusińol. Ausa, 1992, Sabadell. |
I. Coll, Ramon Casas. Una vida dedicada a l’art. Ed. Centaure Groc, 1999, Barcelona. |
F. Fontbona [et alter], El Modernisme (5 vols.). Edicions L’Isard, 2002-2005, Barcelona. |
M. Freixa, El Modernismo en Espańa. Cuadernos de Arte Cŕtedra, 1986, Madrid. |
M. Freixa, El Modernisme a Catalunya. Ed. Barcanova, 1991, Barcelona. |
A. García Espuche, El Quadrat d’Or. Centre de la Barcelona modernista. O.C-Lunwerg editores, SA, 1990, Barcelona. |
D. Giralt-Miracle, Jujol dissenyador. MNAC-Fundació “la Caixa”, 2000, Barcelona. |
D. Giralt-Miracle, [dir.], Gaudí. La búsqueda de la forma. Ed Lunwerg-Ajuntament de Barcelona (exhibition catalogue), 2002, Barcelona. |
A. González, R. Lacuesta, Arquitectura modernista en Catalunya, 1990, Barcelona. |
C. Güell, Gaudí y el conde de Güell: el artista y el mecenas. Martínez Roca, 2001, Barcelona. |
E. Jardí, El cartellisme a Catalunya. Ed. Destino, 1983, Barcelona. |
R. Lacuesta, Arquitectura modernista en Cataluńa. Gustavo Gili, 1990, Barcelona. |
C. Martinell, Gaudí. Su vida, su teoría y su obra. COAC, 1967, Barcelona. |
M. Maspoch, Sortim. Ruta del Modernisme de Barcelona. Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbŕ i la Qualitat de Vida, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2005, Barcelona. Text in Catalan, Spanish, English and French. |
C. Mendoza Garriga, Barcelona modernista. Planeta, 1989, Barcelona. |
Ll. Permanyer, Un passeig per la Barcelona modernista. Edicions Polígrafa, 1998, Barcelona. |
V. Pons i Toujouse, Inventari general del modernisme. Edició Reial Cŕtedra Gaudí, 2004, Barcelona. |
T-M. Sala, La vida cotidiana en la Barcelona de 1900. Silex, 2005, Madrid. |
M. Saliné, Lluís Bru: fragments d’un creador de mosaics modernistes (exhibition catalogue). Ajuntament d’Esplugues de Llobregat, 2005, Esplugues de Llobregat. |
Various authors, Modernisme i Modernistes. Lunwerg Editors, 2001, Barcelona. Text in Catalan, Spanish and English. |
Various authors, Gaudí, Jujol i el Modernisme al Baix Llobregat. Ed. Mediterrŕnia, 2003, Barcelona. |
Various authors, La pintura de Santiago Rusińol. La vida. Editorial Mediterrŕnia, 2004, Barcelona. |
Various authors, Ruta del Modernisme. Barcelona. Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbŕ i la Qualitat de Vida, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2005, Barcelona. Text in Catalan, Spanish, English and French. |
J. Vila-Grau; F. Rodon, Els vitrallers de la Barcelona modernista. Ed.Polígrafa, 1982, Barcelona. |
Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life,
Barcelona City Council – Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbà i la Qualitat de Vida,
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbà i la Qualitat de Vida
6-8 Av. Drassanes, planta 21
E – 08001 Barcelona
Phone: +34 932 562 509
Local Partner:
Barcelona Modernisme Honorary Council – Consell d’Honor de la Art Nouveau European Route and Consell d’Honor de la Ruta des Modernisme de Barcelona
Ruta del Modernisme > Domènech i Montaner, Puig i Cadafalch i Antoni Gaudi
Institute of Urban Landscape, Barcelona
Any Internacional Gaudi
The Advertising Boom. Tin, cardboard and tile posters. 1890-1950 The exhibition is a tour, from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th, through graphic commercial advertising dedicated especially to the promotion of everyday products: food, wines and cavas, pharmaceuticals, care products, tobacco, machines etc. Besides popular paper posters, the exhibition… Read more »
On 31 May and June 1 and 2, 2019 Barcelona will celebrate the 15th edition of the Fira Modernista, this year dedicated to modernisme architect Josep Maria Jujol (1879-1949) in commemoration of the 140 years of his birth. During the Fair, a large number of recreational and cultural activities will be organised, including talks, workshops,… Read more »
From November 19, 2021 to March 6, 2022 discover the new Gaudi exhibition at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya!
Twenty years after the celebration of the Gaudí Year, with this project the Museu Nacional undertakes a critical revision of the artist and architect’s work, which has a special place in its collection.