This sixth edition was dedicated to the theme My Favourite Art Nouveau Architect! The year 2018 celebrated, among others, the 150th anniversary of Charles Rennie Mackintosh (United Kingdom-Scotland), Peter Behrens (Germany), Marcell Komor (Hungary-Serbia) Lluis Muncunill i Parellada (Spain-Catalonia) but also the 100 years of the death of Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Otto Wagner and Koloman Moser (Austria). That’s why the 2018 edition of the World Art Nouveau Day celebrated the architects who have marked the Art Nouveau movement!
VIDEOS from our member cities
A weekly video featuring a iconic architect from our member cities was published on our Facebook page. The aim was to increase the visibility of our member cities and to highlight some architects sometimes unknown.
All the videos are available on our YoutTube channel launched on this occasion.
RAnn Members activities
RANN members have organised local activities to celebrate the 2018 World Art Nouveau Day. The whole programme is available here.
Photo contest
In 2018, the Résesau Art Nouveau Network organised a photo contest on te topic My Art Nouveau Architect!
The public was invited to present its favourite architect through one of his works, which he considers the most beautiful, by participating in this contest.
Photo contest
The public prize for the photo collecting the highest number of “likes” at the end of the contest was awarded to Jacques Hoflack.
The Jury Prize for the picture that best matched the theme according to a jury was awarded to Mariana Pascaru.
The mystery prize for the user who guessed the origin of the highest number of photos was awarded to Maria Elena Bostenaru Dan.
All the photographs received are available on Pinterest