Home / Municipality of Alcoy
Paola Pons Díaz – Tourism Manager
Municipality of Alcoy
Plaça Espanya, 1,
03801 Alcoy
Alicante, Spain
phone + 34 965 53 71 00
mail ppons@alcoi.org
The Modernism, like urban art inspired by nature and beauty, comes to Alcoy thanks to its important industrial development and its social-cultural link with the high middle class. This period of great social change leaves a legacy in Alcoy, which constitutes today a unique artistic heritage.
It is mainly in architecture where Modernism is most manifest thanks to the leadership of both architects: Vicente Pascual Pastor and Timoteo Briet Montaud, with the collaboration of important master builders. The first is tilted, in the central moments of Modernism in Alcoy (1906-1910), towards forms linked with Art Nouveau, not without historicist components, neo-rococo, some Gaudinims and, of course, influences of Catalan Modernism; whereas Timoteo Briet shows more passion for the movement of Viennese Sezession.
Modernism was not exclusive to middle-class housing, but given its aesthetic and social value, it appears also in the cover designs of local shops, in the ancient building of the Hydroelectric and the local Slaughterhouse, on the façades of the factories around the Plaça Gonçal Cantó and even in some of the Municipal Cemetery pantheons. On the other hand, it had a great impact on graphic arts: drawings of tobacco booklet covers, newspaper mastheads, advertisements, posters and catalogues.
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