Bringing Art Nouveau heritage back to life: theory and practice in restoration From the Venice Charter to the Turin Declaration The Réseau Art Nouveau Network, a European network for the study, protection and promotion of Art Nouveau heritage, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. An important milestone that RANN intends to celebrate by organising with… Read more »
Die Originalität des Katalanischen Modernisme ist das Ergebnis eines offensichtlichen Widerspruchs zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Er stellte die Wiederbelebung der Geschichte und der Traditionen Kataloniens dar, von einer Gesellschaft, die weltoffen und modern sein wollte. Während der 1890er Jahre ließen Architekten die Vergangenheit mit Stilrichtungen wieder aufleben, die zugleich mittelalterlich, archaisch und weltoffen waren. Nach… Read more »
In a global context of human disconnection from nature and questions about social inequalities in our societies and access to culture and heritage for all, Art Nouveau, as a major European architectural movement of the 20th century, offers a stimulating and fruitful perspective for rethinking the links between art, heritage and citizens. Through the European… Read more »
The 2023 Réseau Art Nouveau Network lecture series is dedicated to “Restoration”. We want to highlight good practices in the restoration of different materials and the solutions adopted that respect and enhance the spirit of the place.
To celebrate the year of Art Nouveau in Brussels, this year the lectures will be held in the Belgian capital, with the possibility of following them online.
On 10 June, do not miss the eleventh edition of the World Art Nouveau Day dedicated this year to the topic of materials.
From 19 to 22 April, the RANN Annual General Meeting was held in Budapest, Hungary. Four days full of meetings, but also visits, discussions and moments shared with all members. During the GA, institutional and individual members were able to participate in workshops, with the aim of sharing new ideas about the Network.It was also… Read more »