The Maison Cauchie is a listed building, built by artist couple Paul and Lina Cauchie in 1905 as their personal home, studio and calling card for their work. This is evidenced by the two signs on the façade: on one side “Mr et Mme Cauchie, décorateurs, Cours privé d’Art appliqué, peinture, dessins, broderie d’art, applications diverses” and on the other “Ateliers Cauchie, InstallationsModernes, Transformations originales d’Intérieurs et de Façades, Décoration, Peinture,Sgraffito, Broderie, Meubles, Tentures”. The architecture of the façade, inspired by the Glasgow School, combines symmetry, verticality and perfect geometry. In this respect, it differs from Victor Horta’s Art Nouveau vegetal line. As Paul Cauchie was one of the most prolific sgraffiti artists of his time, it’s only natural that he wanted to present an exceptional decoration on the facade and inside of his house to attract potential customers. The sgraffiti on the façade and inside the bel-étage are unique. In particular, the façade is adorned with one of Europe’s largest sgraffiti, and the front room of the bel étage is entirely decorated with it. But other techniques are also used, such as fresco, stained-glass, joinery (stair railings, openwork panelling, interior and exterior frames) and wallpaper. The former kitchen-cellars have been converted into a gallery to display the works and archives of Paul and Lina, also talented artists. Destined for demolition in the 1970s, the house was saved by a passionate couple who undertook an exemplary restoration project. In 1987, the sgraffiti on the belétage, hidden behind wallpaper since 1954, were brought back to life. In 1989, anasbl was created to provide a framework for the initiatives the owners wished to develop: tours, exhibitions and publications on Art Nouveau, Cauchie and sgraffiti. Since then, Maison Cauchie has continued to welcome numerous visitors and share its message of love and beauty.

Image artist function date
Lina Cauchie (Caroline Voet) Painter, Decorator and Embroiderer 1875-1969
Paul Cauchie Architect, Painter and Decorator 1875-1952
Cover Author Description date Link
Cécile Dubois Brussels Art Nouveau: Walks in the City Center

Lannoo ISBN: 9782390250456
Alec Forshaw Brussels Art Nouveau: Architecture & Design

Unicorn Pr ISBN: 9781910065471
Maurice Culot, Anne-Marie Pirlot Brussels Art Nouveau

AAM Editions ISBN: 978-2-87143-261-6
Françoise Aubry Art Nouveau in Brussels

Quo Vadis ISBN: 2960039459
Thomas Hauffe Art Nouveau - Paris, Bruxelles, Barcelone, Londres

Place Des Victoires Eds ISBN: 280991639X
Philippe Roberts-Jones Bruxelles Fin de siècle

Taschen ISBN: 3822869694
Christian Mesnil L'Art Nouveau aujourd'hui à Bruxelles

J.-M. Collet ISBN: 2873670150
Various Guide de l'Art Nouveau à Bruxelles

AAM Editions
Dessicy, Guy - Dessicy, Léona - Aubry, Françoise - Culot, Maurice La maison Cauchie : entre rêve et réalité

Maison Cauchie
METDEPENNINGHEN, Catheline., ARIJS, Hilke. Een levensschets van Paul Cauchie, art-nouveaukunstenaar en kunstschilder. (An outline of Paul Cauchie’s life, art-nouveau artist and painter)
Journal number 5
Journal Tijdschrift Monumenten en Landschappen
Het huis Cauchie: een woning met “een speciaal karakter”
(The House Cauchie: a dwelling with a “special character”)
Journal number 6
Journal Monumenten en Landschappen
VANDENBREEDEN, J Van een stille dood gered (Saved from a silent death: the house of Paul Cauchie at Brussels)
Journal number 5
Journal Monumenten en Landschappen
Henricot, Marc | Schudel, Walter Traitement de conservation des sgraffites de façade de la maison Cauchie à Bruxelles
Journal number Vol. 19, p. 26-33
Bulletin van het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium
Fornari Bruno Het huis Cauchie te Etterbeek
Journal number Vol. 18
De Woonstede door de Eeuwen heen

Partner :
La Maison Cauchie ASBL – VZW

Rue des Francs 5,
1040 Bruxelles,

Phone: +32 (0) 493 062 299
E-mail: Veronica Curto,