The turn of the century marks one of the most important epochs, the golden age of Budapest. After the revolution and the war of independence (1848-49), which were followed almost twenty years later by the period of national resistance, the city reached the crowning point in its development in about 1900. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, evolved from the old towns of Óbuda (Old-Buda), Buda and Pest, six years after the Austro-Hungarian agreement and the establishment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the last quarter of the 19th century, the city grew to a surprising degree. During this period, its population tripled, rising from 280,000 to 933,000, whilst the number of its buildings almost doubled. These constructions were planned and supervised by the capital’s Council for Public Works, the central organisation responsible for city planning. They turned Budapest into a metropolis in the truest sense of the word.
The buildings display two noticeable styles, those of Historicism and Art Nouveau, or rather several variants of Art Nouveau. In contrast to Historicism, Hungarian Art Nouveau is based on the national architectural characteristics. Taking the eastern origins of the Hungarians into account, Ödön Lechner (1845-1914), the most important figure in Hungarian Art Nouveau, was initially inspired by Indian and Syrian architecture, and later by traditional Hungarian decorative designs. In this way, he created an original synthesis of architectural styles. By applying them to three-dimensional architectural elements, he produced a version of Art Nouveau that was specific to Hungary.
Turning away from the style of Lechner, yet taking inspiration from his approach, the group of ‘Young People’ (Fiatalok), which included Károly Kós and Dezsö Zrumeczky, were to use the characteristic structures and forms of traditional Hungarian architecture to achieve the same end.
Besides the two principal styles, the town also displays local versions of trends originating from other European countries. The Sezession from Vienna, the German Jugendstil, Art Nouveau from Belgium and France and the influence of English and Finnish architecture are all reflected in the buildings constructed at the turn of the century. Béla Lajta initially adopted Lechner’s style, subsequently drawing his inspiration from English and Finnish trends; after developing an interest in the Egyptian style, he finally arrived at modern architecture. Aladár Árkay took almost the same route. István Medgyaszay developed his own style, which differed from Lechner’s, using stylised traditional motifs to create decorative designs in concrete. In the sphere of applied arts, those chiefly responsible for promoting the spread of Art Nouveau were the School and Museum of Decorative Arts, which opened in 1896.
Image | artist | function | date |
Ödön Lechner | architect | 1845-1914 | |
Géza Maróti | architect, sculptor, decorator | 1875-1941 | |
István Medgyaszay | architect | 1877-1959 | |
József Rippl-Rónai | painter | 1861-1927 | |
Miksa Róth | stained-glass artist | 1865-1944 | |
István Sovánka | artist in glass | 1858-1945 | |
Oszkár Tarján | silversmith | 1875-1933 | |
Aladár Árkay | architect | 1868-1932 | |
Pál Horti | decorator | 1865-1907 | |
Marcell Komor | architect | 1864-1977 | |
Dezsö Jakab | architect | 1864-1932 | |
Károly Kós | architect, graphic designer, writer | 1883-1977 | |
Aladár Körösföi-Kriesch | painter | 1863-1920 | |
Sándor Nagy | painter | 1869-1950 | |
Béla Lajta | architect | 1873-1920 | |
Vilmos Zsolnay | founder of a ceramic factory | 1828-1900 | |
Zoltán Bálint | architect | 1871-1939 | |
Ödön Faragó | artist, designer | 1869-1935 | |
Dénes Györgyi | architect | 1886-1961 | |
Lajos Jámbor | architect | 1869-1955 | |
Albert Kőrössy | architect | 1869-1955 | |
Frigyes Spiegel | artist | 1866-1933 | |
Ede Toroczkai Wigand | architect, artist | 1869/1870 -1945 | |
Mariska Undi (Springholz) | artist | 1877-1959 | |
József Vágó | architect | 1877-1947 | |
Dezső Zrumeczky | architect | 1883-1917 |
Cover | Author | Description | date | Link |
János Gerle, Attila Kovács, Imre Makovecz | A századforduló magyar építészete Budapest : Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó-BONEX ISBN: 963-15-4278-5 |
2019 | ||
Katalin Gellér-Katalin Keserü | A gödöllői művésztelep Summary in English Budapest : Cégér ISBN: 963-8107-17-0 |
György Szegő | Teremtés és átváltozás: Budapest szecessziós építészete a századfordulón / Schaffung und Metamorphose : Architektur des Jugendstils in Budapest um die Jahrhundertwende / Creation and metamorphosis : the art nouveau architecture in Budapest at the turn of the century Budapest : HG & Társa Kiadó ISBN: 963-85174-4-1 |
János Gerle, László Lugosi Lugo | A szecesszió Budapesten Budapest : Magyar Könyvklub ISBN: 963-548-960-9 |
Anthony Gall | Kós Károly műhelye: tanulmány és adattár / The workshop of Károly Kós: a study and documentation Budapest : Mundus ISBN: 963-8033-17-7 |
Éva Csenkey et al. (ed.): | Hungarian Ceramics from the Zsolnay Manufactory, 1853-2001 New York : The Bard Graduate Center ISBN: 0-300-097042 |
János Gerle | Lechner Ödön Budapest : Holnap ISBN: 963-346-611-3 (Az építészet mesterei, ISSN 1588-919X) |
Anne Lambrichs | József Vágó 1877-1947: Un architecte hongrois dans la tourmente européenne Bruxelles : AAM ISBN: 2-87143-125-6 |
Katalin Gellér (comp., ed.) | A gödöllői művésztelep, 1901-1920 / The artists’ colony of Gödöllő Gödöllő : Gödöllői Városi ISBN: 963-210-126-X |
Ferenc Potzner | Medgyaszay István Budapest : Holnap ISBN: 963-346-668-7 (Az építészei mesterei, ISSN 1588-919X) |
Máté Millisits | Budapest színes város: Zsolnay-épületkerámiák Budapest : Ernst Múzeum ISBN: 963-7032-30-4 |
Federico Santi and John Gacher | Art Nouveau ironwork of Austria and Hungary Atglen : Schiffer Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 0-7643-2436-5 |
Katalin Keserü | A századforduló ISBN: 978-963-9529-16-8 |
Katalin Keserü | Toroczkai Wigand Ede Summary in English Budapest : Holnap ISBN: 978-963-346-818-0 (Az építészet mesterei, ISSN 1588-919X) |
Gabriella Balla (kiáll.rend. és szerk.) | Tiffany & Gallé : A szecesszió üvegművészete Budapest : Iparművészeti Múzeum ISBN: 978-963-9738-02-7 |
Gabriella Balla (exhibition concept and ed.) | Tiffany & Gallé : Art nouveau glass. Budapest : Museum of Applied ISBN: 978-963-9738-03-4 |
Zsolt Somogyi | A magyar szecesszió bútorművészete Summary in English Budapest : Corvina ISBN: 978-963-13-5851-3 |
Réka Várallyay; | Komor Marcell, Jakab Dezső Summary in English Budapest : Holnap ISBN: 978-963-346-901-9 (Az építészet mesterei, ISSN 1588-919X) |
Anne Lambrichs | Vágó József Summary in English Budapest : Holnap ISBN: 978-963-346-900-2 (Az építészet mesterei, ISSN 1588-919X) |
László Vízy | Pártázatok káprázata. A Zsolnay-kerámia a századforduló építészetében és szobrászatában Summary in German Budapest ISBN: 978-963-08-2748-5 |
János Gerle, Tamás Csáki (ed.): | Lajta Béla Summary in English Budapest : Holnap ISBN: 978-963-349-040-2 (Az építészet mesterei, ISSN 1588-919X) |
Miklós Gálos (szerk.) | A szecesszió mesterei az Iparművészeti Múzeumban Budapest : Iparművészeti Múzeum ISBN: 978-615-5217-07-4 |
Miklós Gálos (ed.) | Masters of Art Nouveau in the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts Budapest : Museum of Applied Arts ISBN: 978-615-5217-18-0 |
József Sisa | Lechner, az alkotó géniusz. Budapest : Iparművészeti Múzeum : MTA BTK Művészettörténeti Intézet ISBN: 978-615-5217-14- |
József Sisa | Lechner, a creative genius Budapest : Museum of Applied Arts : Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences ISBN: 978-615-5217-15-9 |
Béla Bede | Hungarian art nouveau architecture: 225 highlihgts Budapest : Corvina ISBN: 978-963-13-6306-7 |
Béla Bede | Magyar szecessziós építészet: 225 kiemelt épülettel Budapest : Corvina ISBN: 978-963-13-6305-0 |
György Merényi | Zsolnay építészeti kerámia az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia korában Summary in English Budapest : Vince Kiadó ISBN: 978-963-303-065-3 |
Zsombor Jékely (ed.) | Ödön Lechner in context : studies of the international conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Ödön Lechner's death Budapest : Museum of Applied Arts ISBN: 978-615-5217-21-0 |
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Local Partner:
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Művészettörténeti Intézet – Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Művészettörténeti Intézet – Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Art History
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Művészettörténet Tanszék – Pázmány Péter Catholic University Department of Art History
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Művészettörténet Tanszék – Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Department of Art History
Magyar Nemzeti Galéria – Hungarian National Gallery
Balogh Bertalan Alapítvány – Balogh Bertalan Art Foundation
Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ – Gyula Forster National Centre for Cultural Heritage Management
Magyar Szecesszió Háza – House of Hungarian Art Nouveau
Lajta Béla Virtuális Archívum – Béla Lajta Virtual Archivs
Szecessziós Magazin
At the Threshold of a New Era The complex development and re-foundation of the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest Opened in 1896, the museum building is one of the chief works of visionary architect Ödön Lechner, who created a new style in architecture. Unfortunately, the building was severely damaged during the wars of the twentieth… Read more »
After several years of closure, the György Ráth Villa of the Museum of Applied Arts (1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 12.) can be visited again from 14 September 2018, where a new permanent exhibition titled Art Nouveau – a Hungarian Perspective, displaying the finest selection of the Museum of Applied Arts’ Art Nouveau collection, can be visited.… Read more »
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